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  • IndexProducts  
    CL-8603 Three-phase high-voltage energy meter test bench
     Hits:1867 AddTime:2023-08-14 15:06:21

    Low voltage section

    Technical standards and regulations

    This device meets the requirements of the following national and industry standards and relevant metrological verification regulations:

    GB/T11150-2001      《电能表检验装置》

    GB/T15284-2002      《多费率电能表 特殊要求》

    GB/T 17215.211-2006 《交流电测量设备 通用要求、试验和试验条件》

    GB/T 17215.301-2007 《多功能电能表 特殊要求》

    GB/T 17215.321-2008 《静止式有功电能表(1级和2级)》

    DL/T 460-2005       《交流电能表检验装置检定规程》

    DL/T 585-1995       《电子式标准电能表技术条件》

    DL/T 614-2007       《多功能电能表》

    DL/T 645-2007       《多功能电能表通信规约》

    DL/T 731-2000       《电能表测量用误差计算器》

    DL/T 732-2000       《电能表测量用光电采样器》

    JJG596-2012         《电子式电能表检定规程》

    JJG597-2005         《交流电能表检定装置检定规程》

    JJG1036-1993        《交流电能表检定装置试验规范》

    Technical conditions

    1.         General usage conditions

    1.1   Environmental conditions

    Operating environment temperature: 23 ℃± 1 ℃; Operating environment humidity: 40%~60% R.H;

    1.2   Power supply

    Single phase: AC220V ± 33V; Frequency: 50 ± 2.5Hz

    2.        Technical indicators

    2.1 Device accuracy level: 0.05

    2.2 Output voltage:

    Range: 3 × 57.7V/100V/220V/380V;

    Adjustment range: 0-120%

    Adjusting fineness: better than 0.01%

    Output stability: ≤ 0.05%/3 minutes

    Output distortion: ≤ 0.5%

    Maximum output capacity: 800VA

    Load characteristics: resistive, inductive, and capacitive

    Capacitive load: less than 0.47uF/epitope

    Harmonic output: 2-21 harmonics, content ≤ 40%;

    2.3  Output current (voltage mode):

    Output range: 0-150V (automatically adjusted according to actual load)

    Adjustment range: 0-120%

    Adjusting fineness: better than 0.01%

    Output stability: ≤ 0.05%/3 minutes

    Output distortion: ≤ 0.5%

    Maximum output capacity: 1800VA

    Load characteristics: resistive, inductive

    Harmonic output:

    2-21st harmonic, content ≤ 40%;

    Even harmonics (wave group control);

    Odd harmonic (thyristor waveform);

    2.4 Output power:

    Stability: ≤ 0.05%/2 minutes

    2. 5 Output phase:

    Adjustment range: 0-359.99 °, adjustment fineness: 0.01 °

    2. 6 Output frequency:

    Adjustment range: 45~65Hz, adjustment fineness: better than 0.01 Hz

    2. 7 Device configuration:

    1)  Standard energy meter configuration:

    CL-9660B  three-phase multifunctional digital standard electric energy meter, accuracy level: 0.05;

    Current input range: 10mA~120A; Voltage input range: 40-480V

    2)  Number of stations: 4

    3)  Input output interface:

    a)  Each station provides a photoelectric sampler/pulse signal compatible input interface;

    b)  Configure multiple pulse selectors for each station;

    c)  Each station provides one independent RS-485 communication port;

    d)  Reserved clock channel;

    4) Monitoring instrument: reading from standard meter

    5) Error processing system:

    a)  Each station is equipped with an independent error processor

    b)  Error display digits: 6

    c)  Pulse miswiring input protection

    6) Mechanical structure

    a)  The platform adopts a split type all aluminum structure

    b)  2 standard cabinets size: 600 wide × Depth 800 × 1800mm high

    c)  Each station of the device is equipped with 1 set of RS-485 wires and 1 set of multi-functional pulse lines

    a)  The device is equipped with an emergency stop switch

    b)  Operation method: It can be operated by a platform keyboard or a PC machine

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